Fleur Murugu Fleur Murugu

Just Do It!

It all begins with an idea.

Do you have difficulty getting started, be it a new business venture, fitness regimen, or a new project? There is always a reason why we cannot start immediately, maybe we are not prepared, maybe we do not have everything that we need or maybe (like me), you prefer to begin at the start of the year, the month or the week.

However that elusive right time never quite comes, that perfect moment we had planned for becomes overshadowed by other priorities or more pressing needs and the cycle goes on and on. You might suffer from analysis paralysis or incurable procrastination. I, unfortunately, have extensive experience with both and I will share 4 key things that worked for me and that will work for you too and get you going!

  1. There will never be a right time to start! Understand that life will always get in the way, there will always be an excuse to be made. Become conscious of your own resistance as well as real barriers to getting started.

  2. Hold yourself accountable. Willpower is a limited resource and most times it just not enough to get or keep you going. Once you commit to getting started, tell your family, your friends, post on social media and commit publicly to what you are doing. If it is an area you are especially having difficulty with, get a coach who can also help you set goals and remain accountable to them. The key is not relying only yourself or on your own willpower.

  3. Break it down. If it is a large project or a big weight loss goal, divide it up into smaller increments. Many times we get overwhelmed by how far we have to go but as the saying goes, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”, and it makes it much easier to get moving when you are focusing on a foreseeable next step rather than something in the far-off future.

  4. Just get started! Even if the weather is not right, or you don’t’ have everything you need… Usually that first step is the most difficult and with every step you take it gets easier and your resistance will keep coming down.

And once you get going, be sure to keep checking in and acknowledge your progress and how far you’ve come. This will give you the energy to keep powering through until you reach the finish line.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your journey is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your goals can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

Flourishingly Yours,


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Fleur Murugu Fleur Murugu

Planning Success

It all begins with an idea.

Planning can mean the difference between Success and Failure!

Planning in any area of your life is key, especially once you have committed to a new way of eating or exercise or any other goals you which to achieve.  Planning can set you up for success and makes things much easier, along with saving time and money too!

Here are some things to consider as you begin to plan.

  • Get clear on what you are doing, why you want to do it and how it will impact your life.  You should write this down and plan to read it every day.

  • Commit to a start date and add it to your calendar.

  • Determine what is needed and check to see if you have all that you require or if you need to purchase/acquire anything.

  • Find an accountability partner or share with your family and as many people as possible so you are fully committed to carrying out the plan.  More on accountability on my previous post.

  • Get started!

It also helps to keep progress, and keep checking in with yourself – once you begin and at a pre-determined time so you can see your progress and don’t forget to pat yourself in the back for every milestone you achieve.  By setting some time in the beginning to plan, you are setting yourself up for success.

Flourishingly Yours,


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Fleur Murugu Fleur Murugu


It all begins with an idea.

In the last last post, we discussed planning and how that affects your success in reaching your goals, next we will discuss execution… which pretty much just means getting started! How do you get ensure you get up soon as the alarm goes off or getting started when its time to get to working?

Depending on what your goals are, you should ensure you are mentally and physically ready. You can do this by ensuring your clothes are laid out the night before or you could also choose to sleep in your workout gear. If you are looking to change your eating habits, ensure you have done your shopping and food prep prior and the day before have all you need to ensure you have no excuse to get started the following day.

When it is GO time, use the 5 – Second Rule! If it is your alarm or sitting in front of that computer, do not allow more than 5 seconds to go by before you spring into action. Otherwise you will allow your brain to talk you out of it so you need to out-brain your brain. Do not allow 5 seconds to go by before getting started. If you would like to find out more, please check out this YouTube video or read this book.

Once you are going, use a tracking mechanism you can check off daily as you progress. This can be a calendar entry or a daily post to your family and friends. Whatever way you may choose, always have an action that recognizes that you made it through your day. This is a sure fire way to hold yourself accountable ensure you keep going!

Flourishingly Yours,


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Fleur Murugu Fleur Murugu

Goal Setting & Visioning

It all begins with an idea.

Are you feeling stuck or stagnated in any area of your life? Do your goals need a refresh or revamp? Read on and learn how visioning combined with goal setting are powerful tools that can jumpstart a dull career or create a brand new exciting career or take on a dream you never thought possible!


What is visioning? It is a powerful exercise that helps you hone in to what you really want. Lets you approach y our goals creatively, and with a big picture mindset. It helps you set up achievable goals in an easy fun way by plugging into your imagination!

Pen to Paper:

Next step in creation is not only knowing what your goals are but writing them on paper. Create a list and order them based in importance.

  • Immediate Goals - what you would like to complete NOW

  • Short Term Goals - 6 Months - 2 years

  • Medium Term Goals - 2 years to 5 years from now

  • Long Term Goals - 5 -10 years

Create SMART Goals:

What are SMARTER Goals?

  • Specific – details are important

  • Measurable – can quantify progress

  • Achievable – inner and outer beliefs 

  • Relevant – or relatable to you

  • Time Based – should have a time assigned to each

  • Evaluate – progress regularly

  • Reward – every goal achieved


Ensure you have a mechanicsm in place to hold you accountable to your goals once they have been created, whether it is a friend, social media or a coach such as myself. This is very important in ensuring you keep showing up.


Anticipate roadblocks and be prepared to work around them, re-adjust your goals or sometimes just to perservere through them. Do not allow roadblocks to invalidate your goals and dreams.

Finally, remember the key to success is envisioning your dreams coming to be. Keep coming back to your dream and envision what your life will look, taste and feel like once your goal is accomplished. Come back to this feeling as often as possible (daily)! Every great thing was first created in the mind then brought into existence by sticking to the big “picture” (vision) no matter the obstacles.

Flourishingly Yours,


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