“The ruling passion of my life is being a seeker after truth and the divine.”

- bell hooks

Fleur (also “Kathambi,” her tribal name) is a transformational teacher, coach and motivational guide helping people shine their inner light of resilience, soulful purpose and deeper authenticity. She specializes in building purpose-driven life plans to help her clients achieve their highest goals and visions. She’s a medicine woman from a long lineage of healers with an MBA on a mission to bridge ancient wisdom with the modern human experience. With equal parts rational and spiritual footing, she offers up space for the seeker in you to safely arrive and navigate the sacred journey back to yourself. 

From an early age, Fleur has been fascinated with the world of humans and why they behave the way they do. Her insatiable curiosity for psychology coupled with a uniquely multicultural upbringing led her down the path of helping others navigate the richness of life and connect back to their true identity, while finding a whole sense of belonging. From the beginning, coaching always came to her naturally.

After completing an MBA, her hero’s journey began with a successful 15-year career in HR and evolved along a healing path of the mind, body and spirit with an emphasis on medicinal plants, herbs and soul-seeking travel -- thriving over surviving to build proactive holistic health practices and transformational retreats, not simply reactive “firefighting” from her corporate days.

Meet Fleur

Her natural ability to bridge worlds stems from her unique multicultural background and the eternal healing wisdom of her ancestors. Originally from Kenya hailing from a long lineage of medicine women (specifically the tribe of Meru), she moved to the US at a young age, growing up with a distinct sense of straddling both cultures, but belonging to neither. In Kenya, the community sees her as American -- in America, the community sees her as Black, and within the Black community, she’s seen as African. Belonging everywhere but nowhere has been a solid source of inspiration, resilience and adaptability to traverse cultures, countries and a vast palette of perspective. Embodied with the gift of diversity, Fleur’s platform gathers timeless wisdom from Eastern, Western, and African traditions to serve the greater global community.

Fleur’s Meru tribal name is Kathambi, which translates to “she who likes water and cleanliness.” Her gift to this world is literally written in the stars -- to support those who wish to wash the “mud” and reveal the gold within.

Education & Training

Her credentials span far and wide, including: A self proclaimed lifelong student and seeker, she continues to work with many acclaimed spiritual teachers and shamans, yoginis alternative holistic practitioners and healers. Through heartfelt connection to an integrative and holistic community all around the world, she has created an ever evolving, unique and eclectic approach to systemic healing, mind, body and spirit.

  • MBA

  • PhD. in Transpersonal Psychology in Progress

  • ICF – International Coaching Federation, Credentialed Coach

  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach - Holistic Health and Wellness Coach - Certified by IIN & NY State Education Department 

  • NLP Practitioner & Coach – Certified by Federation of Neuro - Linguistic Programming Coaching Professionals

  • RSCI Coach, Life Coach – Certified by Robert Simic Coaching Institute (RSCI) 

  • Time Paradigm Techniques Practitioner - Certified by Robert Simic Coaching Institute (RSCI)

  • Hypnotist - Certified by: Comensa – Coach Training Provider and Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coaching Professionals (NLPC)

Start Your Journey